Lap Lane Info


>> Please arrive on time if you reserved a lane. If a reserved lane is vacant for 10 minutes after reservation time, it will become available to someone waiting or another swimmer.  


>> Please CANCEL reservations you do not plan to use so the space opens to others. Limit reservations to only one per day. Those who do not show up for reserved lanes more than twice will receive a phone call from our athletics director to discuss an alternate method of reserving space.


>> Our pool is also open and available to those not swimming laps. Lap swimmers may likely be nearby or next to families (or children) playing in the pool. Our facility is meant for all users to enjoy throughout the year, so please understand our desire to accommodate all members.  

Lap Lane Reservations

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Dreyfus Family Indoor Aquatic Center

Monday – Thursday | 5:30 am – 7:30 pm
Friday | 5:30 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday – Sunday | 8:00 am – 5:30 pm



Metzger Outdoor Aquatic Center


Closed for the Season



Contact Tom Edwards, Athletics Director, at or (757)321-2308.