
27 2024

Beyond Borders: From the Birth of Nationalism to 1967

6:45PM - 8:15PM  


Contact Sierra Lautman
Director of Jewish Innovation

Beyond Borders: The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Part 1
10-weeks, Online Only

Tuesdays l Beginning Jan 16 | 6:45 PM

Examine maps, media documents, original speeches and the famous "Balfour Declaration" with new eyes, as we study the roots of the conflict between Jews and Arabs over the modern State of Israel. These 10 sessions, taught by Dr. Amy K. Milligan, encompass the return of the Jews to the land, the role of the British, the Cold War, the rise of Palestinian nationalism, the 1967 War, and the post-1967 vision for a “Greater Israel” — including the initial rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

From religion and culture to history, politics, economics, identity, and survival, the material is designed to encourage discussion and debate, helping students have a better understanding of the historical context of the current Israel-Hamas war.

Course cost: $295. Receive $100 off by using the discount code JFS100 before January 6. Additional scholarships are available upon request.

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